How many times have you been given the opportunity to match actual people together? That’s what you’re going to be doing in Snood. In the past, you’ve likely matched all sorts of things together, from precious gemstones, to bubbles, to runic hieroglyphics, and so on. Game Description The Snoods are Coming! The Snoods are Coming!

Snood is a re-themed version of Taito's Puzzle Bobble arcade game programmed by Dave Dobson. Launching Snoods increases the Danger Bar and when it.

Unconnected Snoods are also transported to safety. Snood is one of the most popular puzzle games in the World! It's great family fun! You need to save the Snoods by grouping three or more of the same kind together. Download Snood Plus for macOS 10.9.0 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. Download Snood for Windows now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. Block-breaker style desktop game for Windows and Mac. Download latest version of Snood for Windows.